
A while ago I took a survey of some of my former players, parents and colleagues.  I did this to get a feel for how people judged me in the basketball world.  I was very nervous when I sent out this survey.  I was nervous not because I felt like I did a bad job, but nervous that people may not respond to the survey at all!  But I was pleasantly surprised by the warm responses.  I figured I would share them with you too so you understand what kind of person you are dealing with when you read or see anything from me.

So what do people say about Coach Thomas S. Wilkins?

“Coach Wilkins was a great coach and always put his players’ interests first.  Also has a great knowledge of the game.”-Former Player

“Coach Wilkins’ greatest strength is his ability to remain calm under pressure, that trait rubs off on all of those he coaches. He teaches the game in a way that forces you to analyze the game as you play and that helped me tremendously as I went on to play the game at a collegiate level.”-Former Player

“I say his greatest strength is his knowledge of the game and the ability to break it down to translate it to others.”-Former Player

“His ability to communicate not only tactical things to players, but also motivational in a way that was encouraging and engaging.”-Former Player

“Coach Wilkins was always honest with his players and could relate to us on and off the court. Being a former player at the Division 1 level, I believe it helped him to use the things he saw in practice and make them into his own when he began coaching. He always displayed confidence which helped him to control his team and always have the respect that a coach needs and deserves.”-Former Player

“I believe that any basketball endeavor that Thomas engages in will bring him success. He is the type of person that is very likeable and he attracts people to him, especially players, which will give him an advantage over others as he teaches kids about the game of basketball.” -Former Player

“Coach Wilkins’ greatest strength was his enthusiasm and dedication. Coach got everything out of all of us whether it was in practice or in games. I have tremendous respect for him and he helped me get to where I am, Division 1 scholarship, today.” -Former Player

“I am proud to have played under Coach Wilkins in the AAU circuit. Playing for him and the Apex Force was one of my favorite experiences in basketball. It was fun, but it was also hard work. Coach Wilkins is a great motivator and I think he will be very successful.” -Former Player

“I have known Thomas for 16 years and he has always been an effective communicator. As a teammate, coach, & friend, Thomas has been able to communicate to people with different personalities to get the most out of them.” -Colleague

“Thomas is an extremely talented individual with a knack for making people feel accepted. This translates well into the basketball world because Thomas is a person that people trust really quickly. I think that people can learn a lot from Thomas as he understands the game (offense and defense) better than most.” -Colleague

“Coach Wilkins has a positive outlook that inspires my son to work harder.” -Former Parent of a player”

“Coach Wilkins is a positive role model for the youth of today. My son looks up to him. What coach says means something to my son because he doesn’t just say it, he lives it!” -Former Parent of a player

“Coach Wilkins is the most personable coach around, and this allows him to focus–and therefore reach–his players like few others can.”-Colleague

“In an age where many basketball players end up developing bad habits along the way, Coach Wilkins has the tools to teach the game the way it should be played.” -Colleague

“Coach Wilkins is a great guy, someone to emulate on and off the court.” -Colleague

You are your only opponent

Coach Thomas S. Wilkins

Coach/Owner of Hoops Education

Former D1 Player/Former AAU Coach/Former HS Coach

Author of 2 Top 100 Amazon Best Sellers How to Play Basketball: A Guide to Getting Better By Playing Pick-up Games

& How to Play Basketball: A Guide to Getting Better By Playing Pick-up Games The Blog

P.S. Make sure you follow us on twitter @HoopsEducation

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