Wow! I am so humbled by this achievement. Being on the Amazon Top 100 Best Seller List for Basketball Coaching is a very exciting accomplishment!
I sat down almost 2 years ago to write How to Play Basketball: A Guide to Getting Better by Playing Pick-up Games because I wanted to help young basketball players adjust their trajectory towards greatness. I believe in my heart that there are so many potential great players who cannot tap into their potential due to the way they approach their pick-up games. It was just an idea that was eating away at my brain. So instead of letting the idea gnaw on my most important organ, I decided to bang away on a keyboard until most of my ideas were out of my head. What came about after that was How to Play Basketball: A Guide to Getting Better by Playing Pick-up Games.
I want to say thank you to all of the people that purchased a copy of the book and have supported me in real life and on social media. Next stop is Top 50!
You are your only opponent
Coach Thomas Wilkins
Amazon Top 100 Best Selling Author
PS (I love that I can add this to my signature. We in here!)
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