The purpose of this circuit is to improve your fitness level and your skill level by doing basketball related exercises. For foot fire you want to get in a defensive stance. The only thing you are doing here is tapping your feet in an alternation fashion. You want to tap your feet as fast as you can. When it starts to burn you know you are doing it correctly!
I am passionate about living T.he S.marter W.ay which to me means having the freedom to live life as you see fit and simultaneously improving your community. I also love basketball, Go Heels! If it has to do with small business & entrepreneurship you can count me in. I'm married to the love of my life and we are dedicated to making memorable moments together. In general I am truly blessed!
Mindset Mondays the motivation to help you mentally prepare for the week. This week #UWriteUrStory We get conditioned to punish ourselves. Your coach makes you run when you miss free throws. Your teacher lowers your […]
Basketball Drills: Warm up-Karaoke This warm-up exercise is designed to loosen up your hips. You want to start standing sideways with your feet about shoulder width apart. Both of your arms should be out so […]
How to Play Basketball Blog – The Reason You Are Not Improving Enough “I know the reason I was not improving to the level of a top player in the nation. I did not have […]
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