This is a basketball drill you can use to warmup before you play or workout. Think of this warm-up exercise as a march. The purpose is to get a nice range of motion with your legs. You want to point your hand out straight in front of you and then kick your opposite leg up to that hand. You will want to complete 10 of these on each leg for a total of 20.
I am passionate about living T.he S.marter W.ay which to me means having the freedom to live life as you see fit and simultaneously improving your community. I also love basketball, Go Heels! If it has to do with small business & entrepreneurship you can count me in. I'm married to the love of my life and we are dedicated to making memorable moments together. In general I am truly blessed!
How to Play Basketball Blog – Defense Wins Championships The phrase we have all heard before goes something like this, “Offense wins games and defense wins championships”. Do you want to be a champion? […]
This video is an interview with Coach Thomas Wilkins about his book How to Play Basketball The Blog. In Part 1 he discusses why he wrote the blog and the book. You can pick up […]
How to Play Basketball Blog – Be a Beast on the Boards Defense and rebounding are huge parts of winning games. The reason you are reading this is because you want to be a […]
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