How to Play Basketball Blog – A Foundation of Fundamentals
What is a fundamental? According to a fundamental is “a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.” In any sport there are some specific principles that build the foundation for the athletes in the sport. In basketball there are fundamental areas that you should be working on during every game.
If you are on the court you are either on offense or defense. So you need to have something that you are working on in both areas. If you are focused on one thing in each part of the game then you are going to be focused on both ends of the court. This focus is going to separate you from your competition. Most people are focused on the conversations around the court or what happens after the game. Those people are not getting better. Do you want to be better? Why else are you on the court if not to get better? Make sure you bring your brain to ball and you will get a lot from your pick-up games.
The reason focusing on fundamentals will separate you is simple. It allows you the opportunity to build a solid foundation upon which you can build your skills. If you are fundamentally weak then your skills are suffering tremendously. I play against and watch people all the time who have handles or shoot with a sweet stroke or have all-world athleticism but have no idea when and how to use those skills. People go play basketball all the time but they are not working on the basics. They want to do that crossover that makes the everybody go “ohhh” or try to block every shot. As the competition gets stiffer you can cool believe that a foundation of fundamentals will stand up to the test of the best. A house with a weak foundation will crumble under stress so strengthen your “house” by working on your fundamentals constantly.
Learn about the specific areas of offense and defense you can improve by ordering a copy of the book here How to Play Basketball: A Guide to Getting Better By Playing Pick-up Games
You are your only opponent
Coach Wilkins
Coach/Owner of Hoops Education
Former D1 Player/Former AAU Coach/Former HS Coach
Author of How to Play Basketball: A Guide to Getting Better By Playing Pick-up Games
P.S. Make sure you follow us on twitter @HoopsEducation
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