Mindset Mondays: The motivation to get you mentally prepared for the week. This week die to live.
Ever wonder why near death experiences change people? Dr. Kenneth Ring, a professor from UConn and an expert in Near Death Experiences found that despite the differences in the type of people that had them, they all came out with a greater sense of purpose and lived their lives more deeply after the experience. Why do you think that is? Sometimes you have to die to live. Yes you must die to live!
Right now you are the person you are based on your previous thoughts and your previous actions. If your thoughts and your actions have you in a place that is not satisfactory then it is time for a funeral. It is time to let go of the person you are today. It is time to put that person to rest. It is time for you to think about the type of person you want to be. You need to have a vision for how that person thinks. This is the new you. It all starts with a thought. Change your thinking from the person who you are to the person who you want to become. Hoopers it is time for a change!
You have to believe that you are already that person that you want to be. Not that you are working towards it. Not that you will be that person when you get to a certain point. Before you can become a great player you have to think like a great player. The amazing thing is once you start to think like a great player you are one! Then you have to take some definite actions. You need to start walking differently and I mean that. When you go to the gym you need to walk in with confidence. When you warm-up you need to break a sweat. It cannot be a warm-up if your body is cold, that just doesn’t make sense. Your warm-up has to get you ready for a workout or a game. That means push yourself. Then when the workout or the game starts you have to out work everybody.
Once your mindset has changed and you take action to mirror that mindset guess what? Take a look in the mirror because you are a new person. A new you has been born. You have to die to live! It is a funeral and a nativity. What a scene! You won’t know whether to celebrate or cry. You should do both! You should be so excited about the new you that it brings tears to your eyes.
Let me tell you how I put this into action before I even knew what I was doing. Michael Jordan used to say he wanted to get his teammates involved early in games so that when he started to take over defenses had to make adjustments. When I read that I did the exact same thing every time I went to play pick-up games. All of a sudden people wanted to give me the ball back. All of a sudden I was the playmaker because I got other people involved. It started with a thought, not even my own thought. But I took that thought and started to think that way.
My thoughts had to die to make way for a new line of thinking. My “average player self” had to get out of the way because the great player inside me was coming out. I had to let the average player die so that the great player could live. You don’t hear me! You have to die to live! So today let the old you go away to make a way for the new you to take over. The old you is dead and the new you is ready to show the world who you are now! Go and be that person. A death and a birth. Die to live. Go out there and start living the life of greatness!
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