Mindset Mondays provide the motivation you need to mentally prepare for the week. This week how failure makes you like a winner.
Abraham Lincoln lost a US senate race, lost the nomination as the Vice President, lost another US senate race and only after those loses was he elected the US President.
Thomas Edison said he found 10,000 ways not to make a light bulb before he found the way that did.
Steve Jobs was fired from the company he built before coming back and creating iPods, iPhones & iPads, which revolutionized the music, cell phone and tablet industries.
Michael Jordan said he succeeded because he missed 26 game winning shots.
There is not a successful person on the planet that did not face adversity first. If you have faced a challenge then you have something in common with successful people. Maybe you are on your back, tired and defeated because you have just lost a battle. You have to know that losing makes winning possible. Most people who have achieved anything have used their failures as fuel. Failure can be transformed into rocket fuel to power your dreams to the stratosphere. You cannot allow temporary setbacks to stop you from getting your glory. So when you lose you have to know that it’s preparing you to win.
Today focus not on the failure but the lesson you learn that will earn your next success.
“You are your only opponent”
Coach Thomas Wilkins
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